You can upload images while you are creating a social media post or an email. You can also add images by directly to the image library. The image library is the only place where you can add or edit an image name, description, sku, vendor name, or tag. You can only upload one image at a time directly in the image library. To upload multiple images upload the image directly to an email template or social media post. See here for more information.
- Click Images on the top navigation
- Click Add Items to Library
- Click on Choose File (please note you can only upload images in the following formats to this section - jpeg, gif, png). If you would like to upload a PDF file you must do so from the Upload Your Own section when creating an email or social media post.
- Fill in the Name field (this is the only required field).
- Add a Description, SKU or Vendor Name if you wish. You will be able to search for images based on what you input in these fields
- Type in an existing category in the Categories field to add the image to that category or type in a new category name to add a new category.
- Type in keywords to describe the image in the Tags field. You will separate each tag word by a comma. You'll be able to use the tags to search for the image.
- Click Upload