
Editing your website homepage from the Calendar

You have the ability to create and schedule an update to your website’s homepage from the Calendar. A website update will show on your Calendar as purple once it is complete.

  • Navigate to Calendar in your SnapRetail account.
  • Click on any day (or click the Create button) you wish your website update to go live and choose Edit Homepage. 


  • Make any edits to your homepage and follow the steps in the workflow.
  • Choose Finish in step 4 and you will be directed back to your Calendar where you can view your website update in purple. 

  • There are two ways to edit your scheduled website update.
    • 1) Click on the website update from the Calendar to edit everything.
    • 2) Drag the website update to a new day to reschedule, or drag it off of the Calendar to delete.
  • To view information about a past website update, click on the purple website icon on the Calendar.
    • You can see the name of the page, the type of update, whether or not the page is turned on or off, and the date and time stamp the page was completed.









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